Unprocessing Your Food
Click on the recipe link below to the .pdf of that recipe (these are in alphabetical order). The recipe will open in a separate window.
Welcome to Un-processing Your Food!
I have found over the past few years that all the chemicals and non-natural additives in processed foods are causing health issues for my husband and myself. This has led to learning if these same processed and convenience foods can be made at home. I discovered that so many can be made at home, are actually very easy to make, and also cost effective. I decided to share what we have learned with anyone who is interested, perhaps making a healthy difference to their lives too. |
Our goal is to create awareness of the health problems caused by processed foods and providing recipes to make these same foods at home.
We have discovered that 'un-processing your food' is actually quite easy - easier than you ever thought, and saves you money too.
All of the recipes have been tested in our own kitchen so be assured that they are as tasty as they are easy to make.
All feedback is always welcome, including your own experiences and recipes. Click here to email me.